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Dead Body Smells and Their Effects

If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of smelling a dead body, you know that it's not an experience you're likely to forget any time soon. But what exactly causes that distinctive smell? And what does it mean? Read on to find out.

The Science of Death Smells

When a person dies, their body immediately begins to decompose. This process is caused by bacteria that are present in the body and begin to break down the tissues after death. The bacteria release gases as they do this, and it is these gases that cause the characteristic smell of death.

There are four main compounds that contribute to this smell: putrescine, cadaverine, phenol, and indole. Putrescine and cadaverine are both amines that are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in the body. Phenol is produced by the breakdown of carbohydrates, while indole is produced by the breakdown of proteins. All four of these compounds have a very strong, unpleasant odor.

What Do Dead Body Smells Mean?

In addition to being incredibly unpleasant, the smells associated with death can also be dangerous. These smells can indicate that there is a health hazard present, and they can also be used to help identify a dead body.

For example, if someone goes missing, law enforcement may use dogs to track down the person's scent. In addition, many funeral homes use special chemicals to mask the smells of death before a body is viewed by mourners.

How to Deal with the Smell of Death

No one likes to think about death, but unfortunately, it is something that we all must face sooner or later. And while death itself is inevitable, the smell of death is something that we can do something about.

If you find yourself confronted with the unpleasant task of dealing with a deceased person's odors, there are professional odor removal companies near me that can help. These companies use a variety of methods to remove offensive smells, and they can often have your home smelling fresh and clean in no time. So if you're looking for a way to deal with the smell of death, professional odor removal is your best bet.

Wrap Up!

While the smells associated with death are certainly unpleasant, they can also be helpful in identifying a dead body or determining if there is a health hazard present. If you ever come across a suspicious smell, it's always best to err on the side of caution and contact authorities so that they can investigate further.