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How to Spot the Signs of Suicide Risk in Your Loved Ones

Suicide is a problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and races. In the United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death and suicide cleaning professionals are finding more to deal with. Each year, suicide kills more people than homicide. Suicide doesn't discriminate.

If you are concerned that a loved one may be at risk for suicide, there are some signs to look for. It is important to remember that these signs are not always indicative of suicide risk, but they may be worth paying attention to. If you are worried about someone, the best thing to do is to talk to them about it.

1. Look for changes in behavior. This can include things like withdrawing from friends and family, giving away prized possessions, or becoming more withdrawn and isolated in general. These changes might be sudden or they might happen gradually over time.

2. Look for changes in mood. This can include things like depression, anxiety, irritability, or mood swings. The person may also seem hopeless or lost.

3. Look for changes in appearance. This can include things like neglecting personal hygiene, letting their appearance go, or dressing in all black or other dark colors all the time.

4. Look for changes in sleep patterns. This can include things like insomnia, sleeping all the time, or having nightmares.

5. Look for changes in eating habits. This can include things like losing a lot of weight quickly, overeating, or not eating at all.

6. Look for changes in alcohol or drug use. This can include things like drinking more alcohol than usual, using drugs more often, or using drugs that were not previously used before.

7. Look for signs of self-harm. This can include things like cutting oneself, burning oneself, pulling out hair, or bruising oneself. 

8. Look for any type of suicidal ideation. This can include talking about wanting to die, making jokes about suicide, expressing feelings of being trapped, or writing poems or stories about death. 

9. Look for any kind of preparation for death. This can include making a will, giving away prized possessions, taking out life insurance, saying goodbye to friends and family, or putting affairs in order.  If you are worried about someone close to you, the best thing you can do is talk to them about it.

Let them know that you are concerned and offer your support. If they are unwilling to talk about it, you may want to consider seeking professional help.

Wrap Up!

No one wants to think about their loved ones being at risk for suicide but it is important to be aware of the signs so that you can help if necessary. If you are worried about someone close to you, the best thing you can do is talk to them about it and let them know that you are there for them no matter what happens.