What Happens After Suicide: 5 Ways to Process Grief Properly

Mental health is as important as physical health. However, there are instances where our situations take over us, resulting in suicide. But with every suicide, there is a grieving family left behind. The people left will suddenly experience a change in their lives due to the unanticipated event. As a result, they may feel pain or not process their emotions. But one thing is sure, and they will experience grief one way or another. But how do you properly process grief resulting from suicide? Here are some ideas.

1. Acknowledge the Feeling 

There is no way to avoid the grief accompanying you after a suicide. But, you have to acknowledge it at first. Focus on the exact time when you received the news. What was your perception of the event? Were you hurting, shocked, or even angry? Note them all down. You should write everything down so that you can remember your emotions. Remember, your feelings will change over time. As such, you must recognize how you feel at the moment.

2. Seek Professional Help

When you have acknowledged every feeling you have after a suicide, you may feel overwhelmed. If you are experiencing emotional turmoil after a friend or family member’s suicide, you may want to seek professional help. A counselor may help you to process the emotions that come with suicide. But before you make any decision, do some research to find a good counselor or therapist.

3. Talk to People Around

You will be surprised at how many people around you have been affected by suicide. Some of them might have been affected to the point where they have developed clinical depression. However, they have not received the proper treatment. They may need to talk to someone, but they are unwilling to do it. So, you can be their outlet. By talking to people around you, you will be able to recognize them and their situations. In addition, they will be able to open up to you. 

4. Recognize the Help Needed 

After earning your credential in counseling from a prestigious institution, you become knowledgeable in recognizing the needed help. If you know somebody that has been affected by suicide, you can be a helping hand to them. You can suggest they seek help from a professional counselor if you think that the person needs one. In addition, you can offer them a shoulder to cry on.

5. Observe Warning Signs

Notice the signs in your loved ones. It is essential because they may be going through depression. However, they need to talk to someone about it. If you notice that a person is withdrawn or depressed, you can recommend that they seek help. 

The best way to process the grief following a suicide is to talk about it. Suicide is a taboo topic that many people do not want to talk about. But if you're going to recover from it, it is essential to talk to others. As a therapist, you can be the one that helps people to overcome the aftermath of suicide. You can be the person that allows people to move on with their lives.


There is no easy way to move on from suicide. However, it is something people can overcome if one is motivated and ready to help themselves and others. Although, talking is not always the solution. If you are willing and prepared to seek help, you can contact a professional counselor for help.

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