Who Cleans Up Crime Scenes?

There's something about a crime scene that just makes your skin crawl. Maybe it's the sense of violation, the knowledge that somebody died there in a violent way. Or maybe it's just the sheer grossness factor. Blood, guts and body fluids everywhere - it's enough to make even the strongest stomach turn.

No matter what the reason, there's no denying that crime scenes can be pretty darned horrifying. And the cleaners who have to deal with them on a daily basis are true heroes in our eyes. We couldn't do their job for all the money in the world!

Crime scene cleaning is definitely not a glamorous job, but somebody's got to do it! In most cases, the police and forensic teams will take care of the scene. However, in some rare instances, homeowners may find themselves having to clean up blood, guts, and other biological hazards.

So if you're ever faced with this gruesome task, here are a few tips from crime scene cleanup Florida to help you get through it!

How much do crime scene cleaners make?

If you're wondering how much crime scene cleaners make, the answer is "a lot." After all, it's not every day that you get to see a dead body, and it's certainly not something that most people want to do. But for those who are brave enough to face the challenge, the rewards can be significant.

On average, crime scene cleaners make about $20 an hour, but there are some who make much more. In fact, there are even some who make a living off of cleaning up crime scenes. So if you're looking for a career that is both interesting and lucrative, crime scene cleaning may be the perfect option for you.

Tips for crime scene cleaning

If you're ever unfortunate enough to find yourself at a crime scene, there are a few things you should remember.

First, try not to touch anything. It's important to preserve the evidence, and you don't want your fingerprints all over the place.

Second, if there's a body, try not to look at it directly. It can be pretty traumatizing, and you don't want to have that image burned into your brain.

Third, make sure to call the police right away. They'll know what to do and they'll be able to handle the situation much better than you can.

And finally, try not to throw up on the crime scene. That would just be gross.

Wrap up!

So the next time you watch one of those crime scene investigation shows on TV and are amazed by how everything is cleaned up in a matter of minutes, know that it’s not as easy as it looks. The people who do this thankless job are truly unsung heroes.

If you or someone you know is looking for a career in crime scene cleaning, be sure to give us a call today. We’re always looking for new team members!


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